Here’s what you’ll receive as part of Tao Field Transformation Program

Apply for yourself or loved ones

  • Clear negative Karma (Information) for your one request: one system or one organ or one part of the body or one health condition or one relationship

  • Download a Tao De Bo Re Field for your one request. (Tao is the Ultimate Source. De means Source nutrients. Bo Re means highest light and wisdom.)

  • Master Sha will chant and trace Tao Calligraphy (Source Transformative art field) for you, for 30 minutes per day

  • Your request will be in Master Sha’s Tao Calligraphy Field 24/7

  • You will be added to an exclusive new private Tao Field Circle. We will use this to communicate and serve you directly

  • Seven of Master Sha’s leading teachers will hold a 30-minute practice session daily. Sessions will be recorded and available for replay. (Replays will expires after 24 hours)

  • Every Tuesday Master Sha will offer a transmission session followed by a Q & A session from 2:00-2:30 pm ET.

Purchase for your pets

  • Clear negative Karma (Information) for your one request: one system or one organ or one part of the body or one health condition

  • Download a Tao De Bo Re Field for your one request. (Tao is the Ultimate Source. De means Source nutrients. Bo Re means highest light and wisdom.)

  • Master Sha will chant and trace Tao Calligraphy (Source Transformative art field) for your pet, for 30 minutes per day

  • Your request will be in Master Sha’s Tao Calligraphy Field 24/7

  • You will be added to an exclusive new private Tao Field Circle. We will use this to communicate and serve you directly

  • Seven of Master Sha’s leading teachers will hold a 30-minute practice session daily. Sessions will be recorded and available for replay. (Replays will expires after 24 hours)

  • Every Tuesday Master Sha will offer a transmission session followed by a Q & A session from 2:00-2:30 pm ET.

Heart Touching Stories In Tao Field Transformation Program

Nadia Rose

Tina Puri

Bhawana Mittal

Patricia Oneil

Tina P

From struggle to spiritual growth and career success

Helen M C

A journey of transformation and forgiveness

Edgard P

Family and life transformed

Judy S

Discovering the priceless gift of transformation

Moneca Vance

Continuous flare-ups of arthritus to now a transformational reduction

Porche Ing

The money I invest returned 10X, this is the most powerful program Master Sha has offered.

Vanita Keswani


My daughter discovers an abundance of love after being registered for the program

Alexia Cito


Transformational relationships with family, friends and myself with an excitement for life

Daniela Sonnleitner

Miraculous Relief from lower back pain while witnessing enhanced concentration from my students.

Eve Sandra Lavot-Bouscarle

An explosion of joyfulness and clarity after suffering with bipolar disorder

Terry Nusyna

Severe Animia and transfusion dependant to miraculous recovery

Bhawana Mittal

A dramatic pain reduction from a level 10, to a level 3

Dr Cynthia Hamilton

Health Researcher experiences a transformation in her circulation

Marcia Sasaki

Manifesting Life changing experiences in every aspect of my life

Dr Pauline Quimson

Rejuvenation of energy levels to become a servant in life

Illa Khagram

Miraculous recovery for family members during my time in the Transformation Program


From Darkness to Dazzling Light

Transformation beyond comprehension.

Transformation beyond comprehension. Light-speed transformation, especially for such a high-level condition such as schizophrenia.

Beyond grateful.

Highly recommend to join this program! It's infinity on a scale of 1 to 10!

Marie-Louise Z

A 20-Year Pain Eased, Journeying Closer to Inner Peace

The most amazing blessings were offered. In 8 days, my neck pain improved by 50%. I had more flexibility and could do movements i have not been able to do for 20 years. There is still a ways to go, but I am so happy. I feel like a new being, like reborn.

Many fears have been released. My kidneys feel strengthened. I am so grateful as i feel more in peace, more grounded.

Camille L

I am so grateful for this program.

I received for my heart. I have become more patient and more compassionate towards others.

My relationships within my family have also improved.

I will continue to work on more forgiveness. So grateful beyond words!

Edgard P

I am eternally grateful to be part of this amazing and exceptional life-changing program!

I am not the same as I was before this program.

I am more loving, more forgiving, more compassionate, more light in my soul, more harmonious and other exceptional qualities that embody the Ten Da that Master Sha teaches.


I thank all layers of Heaven and beloved Master Sha

For this first edition of the Tao Field Transformation Program, I have noticed changes in my condition and am thrilled! I will continue to do practices. Deep gratitude from my heart and soul!

Diane F

I am so grateful to be part of this program.

In addition to receiving more physical health and spiritual growth, long-standing relationship issues were released for my family and me. I was able to do deeper forgiveness and received higher realizations on what I have done and need to do. My life is blooming with a freshness and revitalization that I never had before.

Dominique L

Infinite gratitude, dear God, Tao and Master Sha.

My request was for breast cancer, and I've received much beyond blessings in all aspects of life.

I've experienced purification (no energy, sleeplessness, lethargy, monkey mind) - now, replaced with rejuvenation, joy, happiness, upliftment. I'm a new being with much more love, light and compassion.

I love myself and I forgive myself. 🙏💛I can't wait to become a better universal servant.

Alicia E

I cannot honor you, and appreciate you enough

Dear divine Tao Source god saints buddhas Master Sha, I cannot honor you, appreciate you enough, for what I have received. It is beyond human understanding. I received for my heart and I feel significantly better, my level of patience has increased exponentially.

I have felt physical healing in the heart and elsewhere. I have a deeper level of understanding of the teachings and am learning other things that I never knew before. I am excited to keep transforming. This is beyond amazing. Love you thank you

Katherine W


Unexpected Miracles: From Chronic Cough to Clear Breaths

I am a student of Master Sha's in the Transformation program for a chronic knee condition; however, I experienced a breakthrough in another area which I was not expecting.

I have had a bronchial cough that expelled a lot of fluid night and day for over one-and-a-half years! Numerous x-rays and CT scans on my ears, nose, throat and lungs never showed anything significant. It affected my sleep and day-to-day activities, not to mention the use of boxes of Kleenex. Last month I coughed so much that I fractured my lower right rib.

Two days ago the cough stopped and has not returned! I was so relieved. I sleep well and breathe a lot deeper. What a welcome surprise.

Thank you very much, Master Sha. I feel so blessed to be in this program!

Anoeradha K


Rebirth in Transformation: From Weariness to Peace and Compassion

After two weeks in this transformation field, I feel that I am a different being than before. In the beginning, I felt so sick.

I couldn't do anything. My body was so tired. My experience in the field is that I was like a computer being reset to start all over. Now I have more compassion for myself and others, I have a lot of energy.

My body is changing in a way that allows me to be more in the moment and let things go more easily. My mind is more at peace. The people around me are also transforming.

A woman who didn't want to know what I am doing related to Master Sha was suddenly open and was willing to try something. Deeply grateful to be in this field. Thank you and love you, Master Sha. Words are not enough.

Karen Silva B


Blossoming Through Pain: From Heart's Struggle to Joyful Awakening

During the weeks prior to the start of this program, Master Sha gave us almost daily blessings to prepare and purify us.

I started to experience pain in my upper back and the back of the heart chakra, much like I had experienced for the first several years being with Master Sha.

Heaven chose for me to get the blessing for my heart, so I did. The minute I registered, I felt this heart purification intensify and I am getting tingling and pain in that area as I write.

I have been extremely tired and going through major purification as the negative judgments, deep-seated fears and more are released.

Four days after the transmission, I noticed that I am feeling much more present.

I had PTSD, ADD and social anxiety. Now, I feel more joyful and loving, more positive in general about life and am doing things I have been procrastinating on, being more productive and practicing more.

I am so grateful for this purification and feel the lotus flower blossoming out of the mud.

Thank you, Master Sha, Divine and Tao.

Rozina D

United Kingdom

From Unbearable Pain to Miraculous Relief

I was introduced to Master Sha in February 2022. Since then I have attended many workshops, received many Tao light treasures, have been selected as a demo on several occasions and have had great results both for myself and my loved ones.

However, I have had sporadic pain in my right palm since 2015. At times it is very painful, at a level of 10 (the highest). I consulted two doctors and got different diagnoses: one said it was arthritis and the other said it was muscle pain. The medicine they prescribed had too many side effects so I chose not to take it. 

In one of my monthly classes, I was chosen as a demo for this pain and given a spiritual reading that the root cause of this pain lay in my stomach. The pain level came down to 5 out of 10. But within two weeks, it came back with a vengeance and then it subsided to almost no pain. I found that the more forgiveness practices I did, the more aggressive the pain got.

On Tuesday, 15th August, 2023 in Master Sha’s transmission session, his high-level blessings were incredible. I noticed tightness in my palm and the pain reduced to about 1 out of 10. This for me is a miracle. 

The realization of how many lifetimes I would have to endure this pain is beyond my imagination. Not in a million years could I have transformed this on my own. Dr. and Master Sha, I could not have done this without your kindness and generosity. I am deeply indebted to you. I cannot thank you enough. I am so very fortunate to be your student.

T. McGill

United States

Upright Transformation: From Slouched Days to Standing Tall on Day One

After receiving the Tao light transmission for my spinal condition and the half-hour practice, my wife commented that I was standing straighter.

I noticed that I had to readjust the rear-view mirror in the car, as I am sitting taller in the driver's seat. This much change is simply amazing.

It's only day one!

Sieta S


From Unbearable Pain to Miraculous Relief

I am delighted and grateful to be a participant in the Tao Field Transformation Program.

I asked for further healing of tinnitus. For six weeks, I had noticed spontaneous urine loss during the day. Although my request was for tinnitus, I believe that the recent reduction of spontaneous urine loss is also thanks to the Tao Field Transformation Program.

Thank you, Master Sha for offering this amazing service to us. Thank you, all saints and Tao.

Tasshaa S

United Kingdom

Transformation Beyond Boundaries: From Heart to Whole

I have been Master Sha's student since 2018 and have received a number of empowerments and blessings.

This is the one program where I have experienced the most significant transformation.

Although I registered for my heart, I seem to be experiencing relief in other aspects of my life too.

The most obvious one is my digestive system. My body is digesting and processing food well for the first time in more than two decades. Thank you so much, Master Sha.

Yasko E

United States

Embracing the Tao Field: A Journey from Illness to Hope and Wholeness

Since I was introduced to Dr. and Master Sha and his Tao Field Transformation a month ago, I often feel my chronic illness symptoms rising.

I have pushed myself to attend a Tao Oneness Circle session, or find a recording of the Tao Field Transformation to replay, or practice with an animation or attend a Facebook or Instagram live event.

Every single time, I feel better, experience calm, an increase in energy, a decrease in symptoms and, most importantly, a rise in hopefulness and connectedness.

Thank you so much, everyone and all fields for nourishing me and giving me practices and community as I transform my many health, mental and spiritual challenges.

Apply for yourself or loved ones

  • Clear negative information for your one request: one system or one organ or one part of the body or one health condition or one relationship

  • Download a Tao De Bo Re Field for your one request. (Tao is the Ultimate Source. De means Source nutrients. Bo Re means highest light and wisdom.)

  • Master Sha will chant and trace for you, for 30 minutes per day

  • Your request will be in Master Sha’s Tao Calligraphy Field 24/7

  • You will be added to an exclusive new private Tao Field Circle on Tuesday, August 1st. We will use this to communicate and serve you directly

  • Seven of Master Sha’s leading teachers will hold a 30-minute practice session daily. Sessions will be recorded and available for replay. 

  • Every Tuesday Master Sha will offer a transmission session followed by a Q & A session from 2:00-2:30 pm ET.

Apply for your pet's

  • Clear negative information for your one request: one system or one organ or one part of the body or one health condition

  • Download a Tao De Bo Re Field for your one request. (Tao is the Ultimate Source. De means Source nutrients. Bo Re means highest light and wisdom.)

  • Master Sha will chant and trace for your pet, for 30 minutes per day

  • Your request will be in Master Sha’s Tao Calligraphy Field 24/7

  • You will be added to an exclusive new private Tao Field Circle on Tuesday, August 1st. We will use this to communicate and serve you directly

  • Seven of Master Sha’s leading teachers will hold a 30-minute practice session daily. Sessions will be recorded and available for replay. 

  • Every Tuesday Master Sha will offer a transmission session followed by a Q & A session from 2:00-2:30 pm ET.

Discover The Power Of Tao Field Transformation

Apply To Be a Demo

Apply To Be a Demo For Yourself

Apply To Be a Demo For Your Pet

Meet Dr. & Master Sha

Master Sha, also known as Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, is a Tao Grandmaster, world-renowned healer, spiritual teacher, and 11 x New York Times Bestselling Author.

Master Sha is a grandmaster of many ancient Eastern arts (including Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and Chinese Calligraphy) and holds an MD in Western Medicine from China.

As a 373rd lineage holder of Peng Zu (one of most renowned Taoist saints and Chinese longevity star), Master Sha was initiated into an ancient Taoist tradition that has been kept alive for more than 5000 years.

His mission in life is to serve humanity with this wisdom; combining the essence of modern science with ancient Tao teachings to create Tao Technologiesa collection of different modalities, teachings, and practices to help humanity be happier and healthier.

2023 Master Sha™️

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